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EarthForce (Ef) Valuation: A Vision for Unified Global Progress

An Economic Analysis of Earth's Defense Resources, Infrastructure, and Their Pivotal Role in Planetary Stability, Peace, and Unified Earth Responses

“In a time where our earth is facing pressing needs for personnel, instruments, etc., the EarthForce is positioned more in favor of resolving key issues that exceed military capabilities by integrating within infrastructure, generational molding, ecological preservation, and innovation to deploy millions of our personnel on continental issues.” Jeno Joseph Giordano


EARTHFORCE, Department of Offense (DOO)

Jeno Joseph Giordano. (2023). EarthForce (Ef) Valuation: An Economic Analysis of Earth's Defense Resources, Infrastructure, and Their Pivotal Role in Planetary Stability, Peace, and Unified Earth Responses (pv.1.0.0). Zenodo.

EarthForce is the necessity of looking beyond the tangible, understanding the intangible, and valuing the invaluable. Jeno Joseph Giordano


Welcome to a profound discussion on the recently published EARTHFORCE VALUATION. This publication, a labor of love, is a comprehensive exploration of the concept of EarthForce and its implications for global unity, ecological balance, and sustainable development. Dive into the video or audio below to explore the intricate details and profound concepts discussed.


Section 1: Announcement and Publication Details

  • Brief announcement of the publication of EARTH FORCE (Ef) VALUATION.

  • Details about the availability of the publication on Zenodo and its submission status on EarthArXiv.

  • Encouragement to delve into the profound concepts of the publication.

Section 2: EarthForce Concept and Valuation

  • Explanation of EarthForce as the aggregation of all militaries and their valuation.

  • Discussion on the hypothesis and theoretical framework supporting the concept, backed by empirical references.

  • Reflection on the author’s journey in creating his first academic document and the effort put into formatting.

Section 3: Implications and Global Policies

  • Exploration of the policy implications garnered from the research.

  • Discussion on how EarthForce is embedded into the Earth Valuation (EV), and its role in resource allocation and strategic planning.

  • Insights into how EarthForce can promote global unity, ecological balance, and sustainable development.

Section 4: Future Research and Papers

  • Introduction to upcoming papers and research focusing on various aspects of EarthForce.

  • Discussion on Operation EARTHFORCE and its vision for unified military operations and cooperation.

  • Insights into the amalgamation of educational centers and the implications of mandated service within EarthForce.

Section 5: Author’s Perspective and Earth Valuation

  • Author’s perspective on EarthForce as one of eleven papers focusing on Earth Valuation.

  • Discussion on the upcoming Humans (Hu) valuation paper.

  • Reflection on the hypothetical nature of some concepts and the direction of research based on aggregated databases.

Section 6: Competition and Humanity

  • Exploration of the concept of competition in humanity and its contrast with nature.

  • Discussion on the redressing of competition in the global militaries through EarthForce.

  • Insights into the potential dangers of advancing technologies and the need for collaboration and contribution.

Section 7: Earth Infrastructure and Innovation

  • Discussion on the potential of EarthForce in tackling large-scale infrastructure projects and ecological preservation.

  • Exploration of the concept of (DOO) Department of Offense and its role in innovation and tackling global challenges.

  • Reflection on the limitations of private investors and the potential of EarthForce in allocating budget and personnel for global projects.

Section 8: Conclusion and Call to Action

  • Conclusion highlighting the value of considering EarthForce for global progress.

  • A call to action urging readers to delve into the publication and share it with colleagues and military personnel.

  • Reflection on the potential of EarthForce in alleviating wars and fostering unity, and Humanity readiness.

Additional Links:

Closing Remarks:

Thank you for exploring the intricate concepts and profound implications of EarthForce (Ef) Valuation. Let’s engage in meaningful conversations and work together to harness the true essence of EarthForce for the greater good of humanity and our planet. “In EarthForce, We Trust”

“It is urged that humanity be open to the inevitable EarthForce changes to occur, be it soon, to adapt and align with the upcoming transformation.” In EarthForce We Trust—Jeno Joseph Giordano


EarthForce, Earth Valuation, Defense Economics, Military Personnel Valuation, Peacekeeping, Economics, Sphere Protection, Unified Global Responses, Earth Dollar Valuation, Asset Valuation, Military Infrastructure, Earth Infrastructure.

#EarthForceValuation #GlobalUnity #SustainableDevelopment #EcologicalBalance #EarthInfrastructure #MilitaryInnovation #GlobalPeace #StrategicPlanning #ResourceAllocation #DefenseTransformation #UnifiedCommand #GlobalCollaboration #PlanetaryStability #EarthValuation #HumanityProgress #EnvironmentalPreservation #GlobalPolicy #EarthKeepers #JenoJGiordano #InDepthResearch #DOD #Military #NATO #BRICS

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Jeno J Giordano